Management, B.S.

pre-law student engages in classroom discussion.

通过理学学士学位(B .),成为一名有创造力、适应性强、信仰驱动的商业领袖.S.在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您攻读管理学学位. 从校园的第一学期开始,就接受有现实影响的项目,并抓住机会扩大你的网络,推进你的职业发展.

Rinker School of Business

West Palm Beach



Why Major in Management at PBA?

激发你在PBA的管理学学士学位中取得成功的欲望. 这个aacsb认证的项目是全国为数不多的几个项目之一,为未来的商业领袖提供了敏锐的商业头脑, management strategies, 以及一种深刻的基督教世界观,它塑造和激励着你在职业生涯中完成的每一件事.

  • Inspired by Christ: 圣经的原则和信仰概念是管理专业各个方面的基础.
  • Ideal Location: 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您县是一个繁荣的商业中心,也是实习中心, networking, and professional opportunities.
  • Titus Center for Franchising: 在全国唯一专门的特许经营中心经营商业特许经营的主要原则.
  • Study Abroad: 在迪拜、中国、奥地利或埃及等地获得商业管理的全球视角.
  • Two Concentrations: 追求你的目标在一般管理或创业和小企业.
  • AACSB-Accredited: PBA的管理专业拥有这种对卓越的竞争认可.


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What You’ll Learn

With a B.S. in Management from PBA, you learn to:

  • Cultivate business-appropriate communication skills
  • Perform successfully in a group or team
  • 理解并运用批判性思维的要素和标准
  • Exhibit business skills related to technology, research, finance, marketing, global business, management, and business law
  • 在商业实践中表达基督教的世界观


通过一个专注的学位计划,为特定的职业道路和机会量身定制,将你的学习奉献给你的目标. The general management concentration 为您准备了多种多样的专业管理职位的技能. In the entrepreneurship and small business concentration, 您将更加关注独特的挑战和经验,以便在定制的业务努力中茁壮成长.

Program Details

在广泛的商业基础课程中,为商业领域的动态困境和机会做好准备. 通过由行业专家领导的实践学习和课程,对快速变化做出反应并接受创新理念. The B.S. 通过结合商业基础知识,PBA的管理课程将帮助您取得成功, your chosen concentration, and a real-world internship.

Review all courses for the management bachelor’s degree.

在公司经理的指导下深入实践工作经验,每周与商业教授一起参加研讨会. Your business internship helps you advance your skills, build your professional network, and plant seeds of growth for your career opportunities

Titus Center for Franchising—pba的Titus Center for Franchising是全国唯一一个可以让您掌握商业特许经营原则的专用中心
你将有机会到迪拜等地学习, the Czech Republic, China, Austria and Egypt.
你将会参与到一段既广泛又深入的经历中,这段经历会让你有机会发展和提高你的知识. Concentrations are offered in general management, entrepreneurship and small business, and franchising. The program covers the principles of:

  • Management
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Business Law
  • Ethics
  • Managerial Finance
  • Product and operations
  • Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Marketing Management

好的管理需要对人、对社区、对世界如何运转有良好的认识. 通过PBA独特的通识教育项目全面学习,使您能够更好地了解您管理的人员和场景. Explore the full Faith, Roots, and Reason coursework.

在业务的各个方面和职能方面打下坚实的基础, including statistics, accounting, marketing, finance, management, macro and microeconomics, business law, data analysis, leadership, and business strategies. And in management-specific courses, you get to dive into areas like production, operations, and organizational behavior.

Net Price Calculator

Add an additional concentration in Franchising 研究特许经营的原则、管理和运作. PBA是全国仅有的特许经营学术中心之一, 我们是唯一一所提供特许经营管理专业的基督教机构.


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Careers in Management

管理学士学位课程使您能够在指导员工的高强度专业角色中发挥作用, create and enforce policies, and manage products and services. 


Like many of our graduates, 你的职业生涯可能会从入门级或更高的职位开始, 根据你的实习经验,通过展示你的专业知识和商业意识,迅速晋升到管理职位. Management occupations are expanding and lucrative 各行各业的平均年薪超过10.7万美元. 


You can join a marketplace of opportunities in roles like:

  • Project Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Personal Banker
  • Business Analyst
  • Nonprofit Director
  • Entrepreneur
  • Franchiser

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